had as general use

Canonical URL http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P101_had_as_general_use

avait comme utilisation générale

had as general use

hatte die allgemeine Verwendung

tem como uso geral

είχε ως γενική χρήση

имел основное применение


This property links an instance of E70 Thing to an E55 Type of usage. It allows the relationship between particular things, both physical and immaterial, and general methods and techniques of use to be documented. Thus it can be asserted that a baseball bat had a general use for sport and a specific use for threatening people during the Great Train Robbery.

This property links an instance of E70 Thing to an E55 Type of usage. It allows the relationship between particular things, both physical and immaterial, and general methods and techniques of use to be documented. Thus it can be asserted that a baseball bat had a general use for sport and a specific use for threatening people during the Great Train Robbery.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
domain E70_Thing
range E55_Type
comment "This property links an instance of E70 Thing to an E55 Type of usage. It allows the relationship between particular things, both physical and immaterial, and general methods and techniques of use to be documented. Thus it can be asserted that a baseball bat had a general use for sport and a specific use for threatening people during the Great Train Robbery. "@en
label "avait comme utilisation générale"@fr
"had as general use"@en
"hatte die allgemeine Verwendung"@de
"tem como uso geral"@pt
"είχε ως γενική χρήση"@el
"имел основное применение"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty