occurs before

Canonical URL http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P120_occurs_before

a lieu avant

kommt vor

occurs before

ocorre antes

εμφανίζεται πριν

появляется до


This property identifies the relative chronological sequence of two temporal entities. It implies that a temporal gap exists between the end of A and the start of B. This property is only necessary if the relevant time spans are unknown (otherwise the relationship can be calculated). This property is the same as the "before / after" relationships of Allen’s temporal logic (Allen, 1983, pp. 832-843).

This property identifies the relative chronological sequence of two temporal entities. It implies that a temporal gap exists between the end of A and the start of B. This property is only necessary if the relevant time spans are unknown (otherwise the relationship can be calculated). This property is the same as the "before / after" relationships of Allen’s temporal logic (Allen, 1983, pp. 832-843).

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
domain E2_Temporal_Entity
range E2_Temporal_Entity
comment "This property identifies the relative chronological sequence of two temporal entities. It implies that a temporal gap exists between the end of A and the start of B. This property is only necessary if the relevant time spans are unknown (otherwise the relationship can be calculated). This property is the same as the "before / after" relationships of Allen’s temporal logic (Allen, 1983, pp. 832-843). "@en
label "a lieu avant"@fr
"kommt vor"@de
"occurs before"@en
"ocorre antes"@pt
"εμφανίζεται πριν"@el
"появляется до"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty