used object of type

Canonical URL

a employé un objet du type

benutzte Objekt des Typus

used object of type

usou objeto do tipo

χρησιμοποίησε αντικείμενο τύπου

использовал объект типа


This property defines the kind of objects used in an E7 Activity, when the specific instance is either unknown or not of interest, such as use of "a hammer".

This property defines the kind of objects used in an E7 Activity, when the specific instance is either unknown or not of interest, such as use of "a hammer".

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
domain E7_Activity
range E55_Type
comment "This property defines the kind of objects used in an E7 Activity, when the specific instance is either unknown or not of interest, such as use of "a hammer". "@en
label "a employé un objet du type"@fr
"benutzte Objekt des Typus"@de
"used object of type"@en
"usou objeto do tipo"@pt
"χρησιμοποίησε αντικείμενο τύπου"@el
"использовал объект типа"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty