shows features of

Canonical URL

apresenta características de

présente des caractéristiques de

shows features of

zeigt Merkmale von

παρουσιάζει χαρακτηριστικά του/της

демонстрирует признаки


This property generalises the notions of "copy of" and "similar to" into a directed relationship, where the domain expresses the derivative, if such a direction can be established. Otherwise, the relationship is symmetric. If the reason for similarity is a sort of derivation process, i.e., that the creator has used or had in mind the form of a particular thing during the creation or production, this process should be explicitly modelled. Moreover it expresses similarity in cases that can be stated between two objects only, without historical knowledge about its reasons.

This property generalises the notions of "copy of" and "similar to" into a directed relationship, where the domain expresses the derivative, if such a direction can be established. Otherwise, the relationship is symmetric. If the reason for similarity is a sort of derivation process, i.e., that the creator has used or had in mind the form of a particular thing during the creation or production, this process should be explicitly modelled. Moreover it expresses similarity in cases that can be stated between two objects only, without historical knowledge about its reasons.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
domain E70_Thing
range E70_Thing
comment "This property generalises the notions of "copy of" and "similar to" into a directed relationship, where the domain expresses the derivative, if such a direction can be established. Otherwise, the relationship is symmetric. If the reason for similarity is a sort of derivation process, i.e., that the creator has used or had in mind the form of a particular thing during the creation or production, this process should be explicitly modelled. Moreover it expresses similarity in cases that can be stated between two objects only, without historical knowledge about its reasons. "@en
label "apresenta características de"@pt
"présente des caractéristiques de"@fr
"shows features of"@en
"zeigt Merkmale von"@de
"παρουσιάζει χαρακτηριστικά του/της"@el
"демонстрирует признаки"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty