has alternative form

Canonical URL http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P139_has_alternative_form

a pour autre forme

has alternative form

hat alternative Form

tem forma alternativa

έχει εναλλακτική μορφή

имеет альтернативную форму


This property establishes a relationship of equivalence between two instances of E41 Appellation independent from any item identified by them. It is a dynamic asymmetric relationship, where the range expresses the derivative, if such a direction can be established. Otherwise, the relationship is symmetric. The relationship is not transitive. The equivalence applies to all cases of use of an instance of E41 Appellation. Multiple names assigned to an object, which are not equivalent for all things identified with a specific instance of E41 Appellation, should be modelled as repeated values of P1 is identified by (identifies). P139.1 has type allows the type of derivation, such as “transliteration from Latin 1 to ASCII” be refined..

This property establishes a relationship of equivalence between two instances of E41 Appellation independent from any item identified by them. It is a dynamic asymmetric relationship, where the range expresses the derivative, if such a direction can be established. Otherwise, the relationship is symmetric. The relationship is not transitive. The equivalence applies to all cases of use of an instance of E41 Appellation. Multiple names assigned to an object, which are not equivalent for all things identified with a specific instance of E41 Appellation, should be modelled as repeated values of P1 is identified by (identifies). P139.1 has type allows the type of derivation, such as “transliteration from Latin 1 to ASCII” be refined..

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
domain E41_Appellation
range E41_Appellation
comment "This property establishes a relationship of equivalence between two instances of E41 Appellation independent from any item identified by them. It is a dynamic asymmetric relationship, where the range expresses the derivative, if such a direction can be established. Otherwise, the relationship is symmetric. The relationship is not transitive. The equivalence applies to all cases of use of an instance of E41 Appellation. Multiple names assigned to an object, which are not equivalent for all things identified with a specific instance of E41 Appellation, should be modelled as repeated values of P1 is identified by (identifies). P139.1 has type allows the type of derivation, such as “transliteration from Latin 1 to ASCII” be refined.. "@en
label "a pour autre forme"@fr
"has alternative form"@en
"hat alternative Form"@de
"tem forma alternativa"@pt
"έχει εναλλακτική μορφή"@el
"имеет альтернативную форму"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty