used constituent

Canonical URL

benutzte Bestandteil

used constituent


This property associates the event of assigning an instance of E42 Identifier to an entity, with the instances of E41 Appellation that were used as elements of the identifier.

This property associates the event of assigning an instance of E42 Identifier to an entity, with the instances of E41 Appellation that were used as elements of the identifier.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
subPropertyOf P16_used_specific_object
domain E15_Identifier_Assignment
range E90_Symbolic_Object
comment "This property associates the event of assigning an instance of E42 Identifier to an entity, with the instances of E41 Appellation that were used as elements of the identifier. "@en
label "benutzte Bestandteil"@de
"used constituent"@en
type owl:ObjectProperty