was motivated by

Canonical URL http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P17_was_motivated_by

a été motivée par

foi motivado por

was motivated by

wurde angeregt durch

είχε ως αφορμή

был обусловлен посредством


This property describes an item or items that are regarded as a reason for carrying out the E7 Activity. For example, the discovery of a large hoard of treasure may call for a celebration, an order from head quarters can start a military manoeuvre.

This property describes an item or items that are regarded as a reason for carrying out the E7 Activity. For example, the discovery of a large hoard of treasure may call for a celebration, an order from head quarters can start a military manoeuvre.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
subPropertyOf P15_was_influenced_by
domain E7_Activity
range E1_CRM_Entity
comment "This property describes an item or items that are regarded as a reason for carrying out the E7 Activity. For example, the discovery of a large hoard of treasure may call for a celebration, an order from head quarters can start a military manoeuvre. "@en
label "a été motivée par"@fr
"foi motivado por"@pt
"was motivated by"@en
"wurde angeregt durch"@de
"είχε ως αφορμή"@el
"был обусловлен посредством"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty