surrendered title through

Canonical URL

a perdu le droit de propriété du fait de

perdeu os direitos de propriedade por meio da

surrendered title through

trat Besitztitel ab in

παρέδωσε τον τίτλο μέσω

право собственности отдано через


Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
subPropertyOf P14i_performed
domain E39_Actor
range E8_Acquisition
label "a perdu le droit de propriété du fait de"@fr
"perdeu os direitos de propriedade por meio da"@pt
"surrendered title through"@en
"trat Besitztitel ab in"@de
"παρέδωσε τον τίτλο μέσω"@el
"право собственности отдано через"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty