transferred title of

Canonical URL

a fait passer le droit de propriété sur

transferiu os direitos de propriedade sobre o

transferred title of

übertrug Besitz über

μετεβίβασε τον τίτλο του/της

передал право собственности на


This property identifies the E18 Physical Thing or things involved in an E8 Acquisition. In reality, an acquisition must refer to at least one transferred item.

This property identifies the E18 Physical Thing or things involved in an E8 Acquisition. In reality, an acquisition must refer to at least one transferred item.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
domain E8_Acquisition
range E18_Physical_Thing
comment "This property identifies the E18 Physical Thing or things involved in an E8 Acquisition. In reality, an acquisition must refer to at least one transferred item. "@en
label "a fait passer le droit de propriété sur"@fr
"transferiu os direitos de propriedade sobre o"@pt
"transferred title of"@en
"übertrug Besitz über"@de
"μετεβίβασε τον τίτλο του/της"@el
"передал право собственности на"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty