custody received by

Canonical URL

changement de détenteur au profit de

custody received by

custódia recebida por

übertrug Gewahrsam auf

μετεβίβασε κατοχή σε

опека получена


This property identifies the E39 Actor or Actors who receive custody of an instance of E18 Physical Thing in an E10 Transfer of Custody activity. The property will typically describe Actors receiving custody of an object when it is handed over from another Actor’s care. On occasion, physical custody may be received involuntarily or illegally – through accident, unsolicited donation, or theft. In reality, custody is either transferred to someone or from someone, or both.

This property identifies the E39 Actor or Actors who receive custody of an instance of E18 Physical Thing in an E10 Transfer of Custody activity. The property will typically describe Actors receiving custody of an object when it is handed over from another Actor’s care. On occasion, physical custody may be received involuntarily or illegally – through accident, unsolicited donation, or theft. In reality, custody is either transferred to someone or from someone, or both.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
subPropertyOf P14_carried_out_by
domain E10_Transfer_of_Custody
range E39_Actor
comment "This property identifies the E39 Actor or Actors who receive custody of an instance of E18 Physical Thing in an E10 Transfer of Custody activity. The property will typically describe Actors receiving custody of an object when it is handed over from another Actor’s care. On occasion, physical custody may be received involuntarily or illegally – through accident, unsolicited donation, or theft. In reality, custody is either transferred to someone or from someone, or both. "@en
label "changement de détenteur au profit de"@fr
"custody received by"@en
"custódia recebida por"@pt
"übertrug Gewahrsam auf"@de
"μετεβίβασε κατοχή σε"@el
"опека получена"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty