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a concerné




αφορούσε σε

имел дело с


This property identifies the E18 Physical Thing that was assessed during an E14 Condition Assessment activity. Conditions may be assessed either by direct observation or using recorded evidence. In the latter case the E18 Physical Thing does not need to be present or extant.

This property identifies the E18 Physical Thing that was assessed during an E14 Condition Assessment activity. Conditions may be assessed either by direct observation or using recorded evidence. In the latter case the E18 Physical Thing does not need to be present or extant.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
subPropertyOf P140_assigned_attribute_to
domain E14_Condition_Assessment
range E18_Physical_Thing
comment "This property identifies the E18 Physical Thing that was assessed during an E14 Condition Assessment activity. Conditions may be assessed either by direct observation or using recorded evidence. In the latter case the E18 Physical Thing does not need to be present or extant. "@en
label "a concerné"@fr
"αφορούσε σε"@el
"имел дело с"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty