has note

Canonical URL http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P3_has_note

a pour note

has note

hat Anmerkung

tem nota

έχει επεξήγηση

имеет примечание


This property is a container for all informal descriptions about an object that have not been expressed in terms of CRM constructs. In particular it captures the characterisation of the item itself, its internal structures, appearance etc. Like property P2 has type (is type of), this property is a consequence of the restricted focus of the CRM. The aim is not to capture, in a structured form, everything that can be said about an item; indeed, the CRM formalism is not regarded as sufficient to express everything that can be said. Good practice requires use of distinct note fields for different aspects of a characterisation. The P3.1 has type property of P3 has note allows differentiation of specific notes, e.g. “construction”, “decoration” etc. An item may have many notes, but a note is attached to a specific item.

This property is a container for all informal descriptions about an object that have not been expressed in terms of CRM constructs. In particular it captures the characterisation of the item itself, its internal structures, appearance etc. Like property P2 has type (is type of), this property is a consequence of the restricted focus of the CRM. The aim is not to capture, in a structured form, everything that can be said about an item; indeed, the CRM formalism is not regarded as sufficient to express everything that can be said. Good practice requires use of distinct note fields for different aspects of a characterisation. The P3.1 has type property of P3 has note allows differentiation of specific notes, e.g. “construction”, “decoration” etc. An item may have many notes, but a note is attached to a specific item.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
domain E1_CRM_Entity
range Literal
comment "This property is a container for all informal descriptions about an object that have not been expressed in terms of CRM constructs. In particular it captures the characterisation of the item itself, its internal structures, appearance etc. Like property P2 has type (is type of), this property is a consequence of the restricted focus of the CRM. The aim is not to capture, in a structured form, everything that can be said about an item; indeed, the CRM formalism is not regarded as sufficient to express everything that can be said. Good practice requires use of distinct note fields for different aspects of a characterisation. The P3.1 has type property of P3 has note allows differentiation of specific notes, e.g. “construction”, “decoration” etc. An item may have many notes, but a note is attached to a specific item. "@en
label "a pour note"@fr
"has note"@en
"hat Anmerkung"@de
"tem nota"@pt
"έχει επεξήγηση"@el
"имеет примечание"@ru
type owl:DatatypeProperty