has former or current location
Canonical URL http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P53_has_former_or_current_location
a ou a eu pour localisation
has former or current location
hat früheren oder derzeitigen Standort
é ou foi localizada em
βρίσκεται ή βρισκόταν σε
имеет текущее или бывшее местоположение
This property allows an instance of E53 Place to be associated as the former or current location of an instance of E18 Physical Thing.
In the case of E19 Physical Objects, the property does not allow any indication of the Time-Span during which the Physical Object was located at this Place, nor if this is the current location.
In the case of immobile objects, the Place would normally correspond to the Place of creation.
P53 has former or current location (is former or current location of) is a shortcut. A more detailed representation can make use of the fully developed (i.e. indirect) path from E19 Physical Object through P25 moved (moved by), E9 Move, P26 moved to (was destination of) or P27 moved from (was origin of) to E53 Place.
This property allows an instance of E53 Place to be associated as the former or current location of an instance of E18 Physical Thing. In the case of E19 Physical Objects, the property does not allow any indication of the Time-Span during which the Physical Object was located at this Place, nor if this is the current location. In the case of immobile objects, the Place would normally correspond to the Place of creation. P53 has former or current location (is former or current location of) is a shortcut. A more detailed representation can make use of the fully developed (i.e. indirect) path from E19 Physical Object through P25 moved (moved by), E9 Move, P26 moved to (was destination of) or P27 moved from (was origin of) to E53 Place.
Values expected to be one of these types |
E18_Physical_Thing |
Used on these types |
E53_Place |
predicate | object |
domain |
range |
comment |
"This property allows an instance of E53 Place to be associated as the former or current location of an instance of E18 Physical Thing.
In the case of E19 Physical Objects, the property does not allow any indication of the Time-Span during which the Physical Object was located at this Place, nor if this is the current location.
In the case of immobile objects, the Place would normally correspond to the Place of creation.
P53 has former or current location (is former or current location of) is a shortcut. A more detailed representation can make use of the fully developed (i.e. indirect) path from E19 Physical Object through P25 moved (moved by), E9 Move, P26 moved to (was destination of) or P27 moved from (was origin of) to E53 Place.
label |
"a ou a eu pour localisation"@fr
"has former or current location"@en "hat früheren oder derzeitigen Standort"@de "é ou foi localizada em"@pt "βρίσκεται ή βρισκόταν σε"@el "имеет текущее или бывшее местоположение"@ru "目前或曾经被置放於"@zh |
type |