has current location

Canonical URL http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P55_has_current_location

a pour localisation actuelle

has current location

hat derzeitigen Standort

é localizado em

βρίσκεται σε

в данный момент находится в


This property records the location of an E19 Physical Object at the time of validity of the record or database containing the statement that uses this property. This property is a specialisation of P53 has former or current location (is former or current location of). It indicates that the E53 Place associated with the E19 Physical Object is the current location of the object. The property does not allow any indication of how long the Object has been at the current location. P55 has current location (currently holds) is a shortcut. A more detailed representation can make use of the fully developed (i.e. indirect) path from E19 Physical Object through P25 moved (moved by), E9 Move P26 moved to (was destination of) to E53 Place if and only if this Move is the most recent.

This property records the location of an E19 Physical Object at the time of validity of the record or database containing the statement that uses this property. This property is a specialisation of P53 has former or current location (is former or current location of). It indicates that the E53 Place associated with the E19 Physical Object is the current location of the object. The property does not allow any indication of how long the Object has been at the current location. P55 has current location (currently holds) is a shortcut. A more detailed representation can make use of the fully developed (i.e. indirect) path from E19 Physical Object through P25 moved (moved by), E9 Move P26 moved to (was destination of) to E53 Place if and only if this Move is the most recent.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
subPropertyOf P53_has_former_or_current_location
domain E19_Physical_Object
range E53_Place
comment "This property records the location of an E19 Physical Object at the time of validity of the record or database containing the statement that uses this property. This property is a specialisation of P53 has former or current location (is former or current location of). It indicates that the E53 Place associated with the E19 Physical Object is the current location of the object. The property does not allow any indication of how long the Object has been at the current location. P55 has current location (currently holds) is a shortcut. A more detailed representation can make use of the fully developed (i.e. indirect) path from E19 Physical Object through P25 moved (moved by), E9 Move P26 moved to (was destination of) to E53 Place if and only if this Move is the most recent. "@en
label "a pour localisation actuelle"@fr
"has current location"@en
"hat derzeitigen Standort"@de
"é localizado em"@pt
"βρίσκεται σε"@el
"в данный момент находится в"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty