foresees use of
Canonical URL
sieht den Gebrauch vor von
foresees use of
normalmente emprega
utilise habituellement
συνήθως χρησιμοποιεί
обычно применяет
This property identifies an E57 Material foreseeen to be used by an E29 Design or Procedure.
E29 Designs and procedures commonly foresee the use of particular E57 Materials. The fabrication of adobe bricks, for example, requires straw, clay and water. This property enables this to be documented.
This property is not intended for the documentation of E57 Materials that were used on a particular occasion when an instance of E29 Design or Procedure was executed.
This property identifies an E57 Material foreseeen to be used by an E29 Design or Procedure. E29 Designs and procedures commonly foresee the use of particular E57 Materials. The fabrication of adobe bricks, for example, requires straw, clay and water. This property enables this to be documented. This property is not intended for the documentation of E57 Materials that were used on a particular occasion when an instance of E29 Design or Procedure was executed.
Values expected to be one of these types |
E29_Design_or_Procedure |
Used on these types |
E57_Material |
predicate | object |
subPropertyOf |
domain |
range |
comment |
"This property identifies an E57 Material foreseeen to be used by an E29 Design or Procedure.
E29 Designs and procedures commonly foresee the use of particular E57 Materials. The fabrication of adobe bricks, for example, requires straw, clay and water. This property enables this to be documented.
This property is not intended for the documentation of E57 Materials that were used on a particular occasion when an instance of E29 Design or Procedure was executed.
label |
" sieht den Gebrauch vor von"@de
"foresees use of"@en "normalmente emprega"@pt "utilise habituellement"@fr "συνήθως χρησιμοποιεί"@el "обычно применяет"@ru "指定使用材料"@zh |
type |