has current or former residence

Canonical URL http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/P74_has_current_or_former_residence

has current or former residence

hat derzeitigen oder früheren Sitz

reside ou residiu em

réside ou a résidé à

έχει ή είχε κατοικία

имеет текущее или бывшее местожительства


This property describes the current or former E53 Place of residence of an E39 Actor. The residence may be either the Place where the Actor resides, or a legally registered address of any kind.

This property describes the current or former E53 Place of residence of an E39 Actor. The residence may be either the Place where the Actor resides, or a legally registered address of any kind.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
domain E39_Actor
range E53_Place
comment "This property describes the current or former E53 Place of residence of an E39 Actor. The residence may be either the Place where the Actor resides, or a legally registered address of any kind. "@en
label "has current or former residence"@en
"hat derzeitigen oder früheren Sitz"@de
"reside ou residiu em"@pt
"réside ou a résidé à"@fr
"έχει ή είχε κατοικία"@el
"имеет текущее или бывшее местожительства"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty