ongoing throughout

Canonical URL

abrange no mínimo

andauernd während

couvre au moins

ongoing throughout

καθόλη τη διάρκεια του/της

длится в течение


This property describes the minimum period of time covered by an E52 Time-Span. Since Time-Spans may not have precisely known temporal extents, the CRM supports statements about the minimum and maximum temporal extents of Time-Spans. This property allows a Time-Span’s minimum temporal extent (i.e. its inner boundary) to be assigned an E61 Time Primitive value. Time Primitives are treated by the CRM as application or system specific date intervals, and are not further analysed.

This property describes the minimum period of time covered by an E52 Time-Span. Since Time-Spans may not have precisely known temporal extents, the CRM supports statements about the minimum and maximum temporal extents of Time-Spans. This property allows a Time-Span’s minimum temporal extent (i.e. its inner boundary) to be assigned an E61 Time Primitive value. Time Primitives are treated by the CRM as application or system specific date intervals, and are not further analysed.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
domain E52_Time-Span
range Literal
comment "This property describes the minimum period of time covered by an E52 Time-Span. Since Time-Spans may not have precisely known temporal extents, the CRM supports statements about the minimum and maximum temporal extents of Time-Spans. This property allows a Time-Span’s minimum temporal extent (i.e. its inner boundary) to be assigned an E61 Time Primitive value. Time Primitives are treated by the CRM as application or system specific date intervals, and are not further analysed. "@en
label "abrange no mínimo"@pt
"andauernd während"@de
"couvre au moins"@fr
"ongoing throughout"@en
"καθόλη τη διάρκεια του/της"@el
"длится в течение"@ru
type owl:DatatypeProperty