is identified by

Canonical URL

est identifié par

is identified by

wird bezeichnet als

é identificado por

αναγνωρίζεται ως

идентифицируется посредством


This property identifies an E53 Place using an E44 Place Appellation. Examples of Place Appellations used to identify Places include instances of E48 Place Name, addresses, E47 Spatial Coordinates etc.

This property identifies an E53 Place using an E44 Place Appellation. Examples of Place Appellations used to identify Places include instances of E48 Place Name, addresses, E47 Spatial Coordinates etc.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
subPropertyOf P1_is_identified_by
domain E53_Place
range E44_Place_Appellation
comment "This property identifies an E53 Place using an E44 Place Appellation. Examples of Place Appellations used to identify Places include instances of E48 Place Name, addresses, E47 Spatial Coordinates etc. "@en
label "est identifié par"@fr
"is identified by"@en
"wird bezeichnet als"@de
"é identificado por"@pt
"αναγνωρίζεται ως"@el
"идентифицируется посредством"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty