consists of

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consiste de

consiste en

consists of

setzt sich zusammen aus

αποτελείται από

состоит из


This property associates an instance of E4 Period with another instance of E4 Period that is defined by a subset of the phenomena that define the former. Therefore the spacetime volume of the latter must fall within the spacetime volume of the former.

This property associates an instance of E4 Period with another instance of E4 Period that is defined by a subset of the phenomena that define the former. Therefore the spacetime volume of the latter must fall within the spacetime volume of the former.

Values expected to be one of these types
Used on these types
As Subject:
predicate object
subPropertyOf P10i_contains
domain E4_Period
range E4_Period
comment "This property associates an instance of E4 Period with another instance of E4 Period that is defined by a subset of the phenomena that define the former. Therefore the spacetime volume of the latter must fall within the spacetime volume of the former. "@en
label "consiste de"@pt
"consiste en"@fr
"consists of"@en
"setzt sich zusammen aus"@de
"αποτελείται από"@el
"состоит из"@ru
type owl:ObjectProperty