Legal Body

Canonical URL

Juristische Person
Legal Body
Osoba prawna
Pessoa Jurídica
Νομικό Πρόσωπο
Юридическое Лицо

This class comprises institutions or groups of people that have obtained a legal recognition as a group and can act collectively as agents. This means that they can perform actions, own property, create or destroy things and can be held collectively responsible for their actions like individual people. The term 'personne morale' is often used for this in French.

As Subject:
predicate object
comment "This class comprises institutions or groups of people that have obtained a legal recognition as a group and can act collectively as agents. This means that they can perform actions, own property, create or destroy things and can be held collectively responsible for their actions like individual people. The term 'personne morale' is often used for this in French. "@en
label "Collectivité"@fr
"Juristische Person"@de
"Legal Body"@en
"Osoba prawna"@pl
"Pessoa Jurídica"@pt
"Νομικό Πρόσωπο"@el
"Юридическое Лицо"@ru
type owl:Class
subClassOf E74_Group