Place Name

Canonical URL

Nazwa miejsca
Nome de Local
Orts- oder Flurname
Place Name
Название Места

This class comprises particular and common forms of E44 Place Appellation. Place Names may change their application over time: the name of an E53 Place may change, and a name may be reused for a different E53 Place. Instances of E48 Place Name are typically subject to place name gazetteers.

As Subject:
predicate object
comment "This class comprises particular and common forms of E44 Place Appellation. Place Names may change their application over time: the name of an E53 Place may change, and a name may be reused for a different E53 Place. Instances of E48 Place Name are typically subject to place name gazetteers."@en
label "Nazwa miejsca"@pl
"Nome de Local"@pt
"Orts- oder Flurname"@de
"Place Name"@en
"Название Места"@ru
type owl:Class
subClassOf E44_Place_Appellation