Time Appellation

Canonical URL http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/E49_Time_Appellation

Appellation temporelle
Designação de Tempo
Opis czasu
Time Appellation
Ονομασία Χρόνου
Обозначение Времени

This class comprises all forms of names or codes, such as historical periods, and dates, which are characteristically used to refer to a specific E52 Time-Span. The instances of E49 Time Appellation may vary in their degree of precision, and they may be relative to other time frames, “Before Christ” for example. Instances of E52 Time-Span are often defined by reference to a cultural period or an event e.g. ‘the duration of the Ming Dynasty’.

Property Expected type Definition
Property On types Definition

This property identifies an E52 Time-Span using an E49Time Appellation.

As Subject:
predicate object
comment "This class comprises all forms of names or codes, such as historical periods, and dates, which are characteristically used to refer to a specific E52 Time-Span. The instances of E49 Time Appellation may vary in their degree of precision, and they may be relative to other time frames, “Before Christ” for example. Instances of E52 Time-Span are often defined by reference to a cultural period or an event e.g. ‘the duration of the Ming Dynasty’."@en
label "Appellation temporelle"@fr
"Designação de Tempo"@pt
"Opis czasu"@pl
"Time Appellation"@en
"Ονομασία Χρόνου"@el
"Обозначение Времени"@ru
type owl:Class
subClassOf E41_Appellation