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This class comprises extents in space, in particular on the surface of the earth, in the pure sense of physics: independent from temporal phenomena and matter. The instances of E53 Place are usually determined by reference to the position of “immobile” objects such as buildings, cities, mountains, rivers, or dedicated geodetic marks. A Place can be determined by combining a frame of reference and a location with respect to this frame. It may be identified by one or more instances of E44 Place Appellation. It is sometimes argued that instances of E53 Place are best identified by global coordinates or absolute reference systems. However, relative references are often more relevant in the context of cultural documentation and tend to be more precise. In particular, we are often interested in position in relation to large, mobile objects, such as ships. For example, the Place at which Nelson died is known with reference to a large mobile object – H.M.S Victory. A resolution of this Place in terms of absolute coordinates would require knowledge of the movements of the vessel and the precise time of death, either of which may be revised, and the result would lack historical and cultural relevance. Any object can serve as a frame of reference for E53 Place determination. The model foresees the notion of a "section" of an E19 Physical Object as a valid E53 Place determination.

Property Expected type Definition
This property associates an instance of E53 Place with an instance of E94 Space Primitive that defines it. Syntactic variants or use of different scripts may result in multiple instances of E94 Space Primitive defining exactly the same place. Transformations between different reference systems in general result in new definitions of places approximating each other and not in alternative definitions. Note that it is possible for a place to be defined by phenomena causal to it or other forms of identification rather than by an instance of E94 Space Primitive. In this case, this property must not be used for approximating the respective instance of E53 Place with an instance of E94 Space Primitive.
This symmetric property allows the instances of E53 Place with overlapping geometric extents to be associated with each other. It does not specify anything about the shared area. This property is purely spatial, in contrast to Allen operators, which are purely temporal.
This symmetric property allows the instances of E53 Place which share common borders to be related as such. This property is purely spatial, in contrast to Allen operators, which are purely temporal.
This property associates an instance of P53 Place with the instance of E18 Physical Thing that determines a reference space for this instance of P53 Place by being at rest with respect to this reference space. The relative stability of form of an E18 Physical Thing defines its default reference space. The reference space is not spatially limited to the referred thing. For example, a ship determines a reference space in terms of which other ships in its neighbourhood may be described. Larger constellations of matter, such as continental plates, may comprise many physical features that are at rest with them and define the same reference space.
This property identifies an E53 Place using an E44 Place Appellation. Examples of Place Appellations used to identify Places include instances of E48 Place Name, addresses, E47 Spatial Coordinates etc.
This property identifies an instance of E53 Place that falls wholly within the extent of another E53 Place. It addresses spatial containment only, and does not imply any relationship between things or phenomena occupying these places.
Property On types Definition

This symmetric property allows the instances of E53 Place with overlapping geometric extents to be associated with each other. It does not specify anything about the shared area. This property is purely spatial, in contrast to Allen operators, which are purely temporal.


This symmetric property allows the instances of E53 Place which share common borders to be related as such. This property is purely spatial, in contrast to Allen operators, which are purely temporal.


This property describes the largest volume in space that an instance of E18 Physical Thing has occupied at any time during its existence, with respect to the reference space relative to itself. This allows you to describe the thing itself as a place that may contain other things, such as a box that may contain coins. In other words, it is the volume that contains all the points which the thing has covered at some time during its existence. In the case of an E26 Physical Feature the default reference space is the one in which the object that bears the feature or at least the surrounding matter of the feature is at rest. In this case there is a 1:1 relation of E26 Feature and E53 Place. For simplicity of implementation multiple inheritance (E26 Feature IsA E53 Place) may be a practical approach. For instances of E19 Physical Objects the default reference space is the one which is at rest to the object itself, i.e. which moves together with the object. We include in the occupied space the space filled by the matter of the physical thing and all its inner spaces. This property is a subproperty of P161 has spatial projection because it refers to its own domain as reference space for its range, whereas P161 has spatial projection may refer to a place in terms of any reference space. For some instances of E18 Physical Object the relative stability of form may not be sufficient to define a useful local reference space, for instance for an amoeba. In such cases the fully developed path to an external reference space and using a temporal validity component may be adequate to determine the place they have occupied. In contrast to P156 occupies, the property P53 has former or current location identifies an instance of E53 Place at which a thing is or has been for some unspecified time span. Further it does not constrain the reference space of the referred instance of P53 Place.


This property associates an instance of a E92 Spacetime Volume with an instance of E53 Place that is the result of the spatial projection of the instance of a E92 Spacetime Volume on a reference space. In general there can be more than one useful reference space to describe the spatial projection of a spacetime volume, such as that of a battle ship versus that of the seafloor. Therefore the projection is not unique. This is part of the fully developed path that is shortcut by P7took place at (witnessed).The more fully developed path from E4 Period through P161 has spatial projection, E53 Place, P89 falls within (contains) to E53 Place.


This property points to a wider area in which my thing /event was…


This property identifies a destination of a E9 Move. A move will be linked to a destination, such as the move of an artefact from storage to display. A move may be linked to many terminal instances of E53 Place by multiple instances of this property. In this case the move describes a distribution of a set of objects. The area of the move includes the origin(s), route and destination(s). Therefore the described destination is an instance of E53 Place which P89 falls within (contains) the instance of E53 Place the move P7 took place at.


This property identifies a starting E53 Place of an E9 Move. A move will be linked to an origin, such as the move of an artefact from storage to display. A move may be linked to many starting instances of E53 Place by multiple instances of this property. In this case the move describes the picking up of a set of objects. The area of the move includes the origin(s), route and destination(s). Therefore the described origin is an instance of E53 Place which P89 falls within (contains) the instance of E53 Place the move P7 took place at.


This property allows an instance of E53 Place to be associated as the former or current location of an instance of E18 Physical Thing. In the case of E19 Physical Objects, the property does not allow any indication of the Time-Span during which the Physical Object was located at this Place, nor if this is the current location. In the case of immobile objects, the Place would normally correspond to the Place of creation. P53 has former or current location (is former or current location of) is a shortcut. A more detailed representation can make use of the fully developed (i.e. indirect) path from E19 Physical Object through P25 moved (moved by), E9 Move, P26 moved to (was destination of) or P27 moved from (was origin of) to E53 Place.


This property records the foreseen permanent location of an instance of E19 Physical Object at the time of validity of the record or database containing the statement that uses this property. P54 has current permanent location (is current permanent location of) is similar to P55 has current location (currently holds). However, it indicates the E53 Place currently reserved for an object, such as the permanent storage location or a permanent exhibit location. The object may be temporarily removed from the permanent location, for example when used in temporary exhibitions or loaned to another institution. The object may never actually be located at its permanent location.


This property records the location of an E19 Physical Object at the time of validity of the record or database containing the statement that uses this property. This property is a specialisation of P53 has former or current location (is former or current location of). It indicates that the E53 Place associated with the E19 Physical Object is the current location of the object. The property does not allow any indication of how long the Object has been at the current location. P55 has current location (currently holds) is a shortcut. A more detailed representation can make use of the fully developed (i.e. indirect) path from E19 Physical Object through P25 moved (moved by), E9 Move P26 moved to (was destination of) to E53 Place if and only if this Move is the most recent.


This property links an area to the instance of E18 Physical Thing upon which it is found. It is typically used when a named E46 Section Definition is not appropriate. E18 Physical Thing may be subdivided into arbitrary regions. P59 has section (is located on or within) is a shortcut. If the E53 Place is identified by a Section Definition, a more detailed representation can make use of the fully developed (i.e. indirect) path from E18 Physical Thing through P58 has section definition (defines section), E46 Section Definition, P87 is identified by (identifies) to E53 Place. A Place can only be located on or within one Physical Object.


This property describes the current or former E53 Place of residence of an E39 Actor. The residence may be either the Place where the Actor resides, or a legally registered address of any kind.


This property describes the spatial location of an instance of E4 Period. The related E53 Place should be seen as an approximation of the geographical area within which the phenomena that characterise the period in question occurred. P7took place at (witnessed) does not convey any meaning other than spatial positioning (generally on the surface of the earth). For example, the period "Révolution française" can be said to have taken place in “France”, the “Victorian” period, may be said to have taken place in “Britain” and its colonies, as well as other parts of Europe and north America. A period can take place at multiple locations. It is a shortcut of the more fully developed path from E4 Period through P161 has spatial projection, E53 Place, P89 falls within (contains) to E53 Place.


This property identifies an instance of E53 Place that falls wholly within the extent of another E53 Place. It addresses spatial containment only, and does not imply any relationship between things or phenomena occupying these places.

As Subject:
predicate object
comment "This class comprises extents in space, in particular on the surface of the earth, in the pure sense of physics: independent from temporal phenomena and matter. The instances of E53 Place are usually determined by reference to the position of “immobile” objects such as buildings, cities, mountains, rivers, or dedicated geodetic marks. A Place can be determined by combining a frame of reference and a location with respect to this frame. It may be identified by one or more instances of E44 Place Appellation. It is sometimes argued that instances of E53 Place are best identified by global coordinates or absolute reference systems. However, relative references are often more relevant in the context of cultural documentation and tend to be more precise. In particular, we are often interested in position in relation to large, mobile objects, such as ships. For example, the Place at which Nelson died is known with reference to a large mobile object – H.M.S Victory. A resolution of this Place in terms of absolute coordinates would require knowledge of the movements of the vessel and the precise time of death, either of which may be revised, and the result would lack historical and cultural relevance. Any object can serve as a frame of reference for E53 Place determination. The model foresees the notion of a "section" of an E19 Physical Object as a valid E53 Place determination."@en
label "Lieu"@fr
type owl:Class
subClassOf E1_CRM_Entity