Man-Made Thing

Canonical URL

Chose fabriquée
Coisa Fabricada
Man-Made Thing
Ανθρώπινο Δημιούργημα
Рукотворная Вещь

This class comprises discrete, identifiable man-made items that are documented as single units. These items are either intellectual products or man-made physical things, and are characterized by relative stability. They may for instance have a solid physical form, an electronic encoding, or they may be logical concepts or structures.

Property Expected type Definition
This property describes the E35 Title applied to an instance of E71 Man-Made Thing. The E55 Type of Title is assigned in a sub property. The P102.1 has type property of the P102 has title (is title of) property enables the relationship between the Title and the thing to be further clarified, for example, if the Title was a given Title, a supplied Title etc. It allows any man-made material or immaterial thing to be given a Title. It is possible to imagine a Title being created without a specific object in mind.
This property links an instance of E71 Man-Made Thing to an E55 Type of usage. It creates a property between specific man-made things, both physical and immaterial, to Types of intended methods and techniques of use. Note: A link between specific man-made things and a specific use activity should be expressed using P19 was intended use of (was made for).
Property On types Definition

This property relates an E7 Activity with objects created specifically for use in the activity. This is distinct from the intended use of an item in some general type of activity such as the book of common prayer which was intended for use in Church of England services (see P101 had as general use (was use of)).

As Subject:
predicate object
comment "This class comprises discrete, identifiable man-made items that are documented as single units. These items are either intellectual products or man-made physical things, and are characterized by relative stability. They may for instance have a solid physical form, an electronic encoding, or they may be logical concepts or structures. "@en
label "Chose fabriquée"@fr
"Coisa Fabricada"@pt
"Man-Made Thing"@en
"Ανθρώπινο Δημιούργημα"@el
"Рукотворная Вещь"@ru
type owl:Class
subClassOf E70_Thing