Union (Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth)

Canonical URL https://onto.kul.pl/ontohgis/administrative_type_185

Union (Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth)
jednota (Kościół kalwiński w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów)

As Subject:
predicate object
isDefinedBy Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
hiddenLabel "konsystorz"@pl
altLabel "seniorat generalny"@pl
"superintendentura generalna"@pl
label "Kirchenverband"@de
"Union (Calvinist Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth)"@en
"jednota (Kościół kalwiński w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów)"@pl
type owl:Class
subClassOf religious administrative region
hasExternalIdentifier "185"^^
isSymbolisedByMeansOf map_symbol_200