settlement of a settlement

Canonical URL

osada osady
settlement of a settlement

Jest 17 takich obiektów w Polsce, zachodniopomorskie, północne wielkopolskie.
Therea are 17 such localities in Poland: in Zachodniopomorskie and in the northern part of Wielkopolskie voivodships.

  • hasProperFunction value function3

As Subject:
predicate object
hasOntologicalVerificator Piotr Kulicki
hasTranslator Tomasz Panecki
creator Wiesław Ostrowski
Izabela Karsznia
isDefinedBy "Osada osady jest to osada stanowiąca integralną część innej osady."@pl
"Settlement of a settlement is a settlement which is an integral part of a settlement."@en
prefLabel "osada osady"@pl
"settlement of a settlement"@en
label "osada osady"@pl
"settlement of a settlement"@en
type owl:Class
seeAlso osadaOsady
hasLanguageVerificator Paulina Wacławik
hiddenLabel "Ansiedlung"@de
"zagroda włościańska"@pl
comment "Jest 17 takich obiektów w Polsce, zachodniopomorskie, północne wielkopolskie."@pl
"Therea are 17 such localities in Poland: in Zachodniopomorskie and in the northern part of Wielkopolskie voivodships."@en
subClassOf settlement
part of a settlement
hasExternalIdentifier "70"^^